Since the beginning of the war, our entire team supporting Ukraine.
Premier was able to deliver 16 pallets of the necessary items to the party heading to Poland.
At Christmas, we gave bags of goodies to local Ukrainian refugee children in Colchester.
A year has passed and we still feel the need to help Ukraine.
From our Ukrainian colleague Yana, we often hear horror stories about Ukraine's situation.
All her family and friends had to live there and saw the effects of the war on a daily basis.
After receiving a lot of clothes, we decided to help Ukrainians who lost their homes in the war.
Yana going to share the results of our successes:
"I am very happy to thank our entire Premier team for their constant support and help. We did a lot of good deeds together, and I would like to share the results.
When the war started I packed our whole life into one suitcase and drove away from the fighting. I was forced to leave my favorite job in Ukraine. In addition, I could not freely communicate in English.
It was only with hope and a desire to find a job and build a new life for us here that I had nothing more to offer.
Due to the fact that my son could not be placed in the after-school club, and I couldn't work full-time.
I was in despair.
Premier came my way during the hardest time of my life!
Honestly, it was a coincidence that completely changed my son's and my life profoundly!
In desperation, I posted an ad in the Facebook group looking for help with my child.
And Ryan answered my message...
He invited me for an interview in the office near the village.
After all the rejections I didn't believe what was actually happening on with me.
My first impression of the interview was that I entered a bright, cozy office filled with many cool people. It was clear that they enjoyed their work.
After this interview, I had the feeling that I would be gently pushed aside again.
This is because I understood that to get such a nice job you need experience and to speak English well.
But Ryan gave me a chance and believed in me as well as the whole team that supports me and my son every day in my life.
The reason I'm writing and crying is that I feel safe here and enjoy every day at work. Is it possible?
I love Premier so much and I can say with confidence that all their charitable deeds are from the bottom of their hearts.
Together we prepared gifts for Ukrainian children for Christmas!
Imagine how wonderful it is to be involved in this process!

Later Ryan offered to send 6 boxes of warm, new, high-quality clothes to Ukraine and asked for help with this.
It dawned on me that there is a community of Ukrainians who do charity work near my house. Read more here.
I contacted them and got very encouraging news.
As part of their campaign for a month, they collected clothes and everything else needed.
They planned to send them to the hottest spots in Ukraine where people really needed them.
Also, they got the English Company, which covered all transportation costs. This was the last week before shipping.

And we made it!!
We delivered all the clothes to a collection point in Colchester and on the weekend I helped the girls sort and pack everything.
The big lorry left this week! It definitely makes me happy!

I would like to say thanks to everyone who is always there to help my compatriots and me!
Your kindness and help will always be remembered!".
Я пишаюся тим, що працюю з Premier.
З великою любов'ю Яна xxx